The Stress and Anxiety of Moving

If you're feeling the weight of stress and anxiety about an upcoming move, you're definitely not alone. Moving is often ranked as one of life's most stressful experiences.

But why is moving stress?

In this post, we'll dive into the reasons behind the stress from moving, backed by some eye-opening statistics that might just surprise you. Also, we’ll also share how to deal with moving anxiety.

But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom! We'll also share some practical tips and tricks to help ease the burden and make your moving experience as smooth as possible. So, sit back, take a deep breath, and let's explore together how to turn a potentially stressful journey into a more manageable, maybe even enjoyable, adventure.

Why is Moving So Stressful?

As promised, here are the top reasons we find moving so stressful.

  • Emotional Attachment: Our homes are more than just physical spaces. They're repositories of memories, emotions, and a sense of security. It’s true even if you rent. Leaving behind this familiar comfort zone can trigger a sense of loss and nostalgia. Scientifically, this is linked to our brain's preference for familiarity and routine, which, when disrupted, can cause emotional distress.
  • Uncertainty and Fear of the Unknown: Moving often means heading into uncharted territory. Whether it's a new city, job, or social circle, the uncertainty can be daunting. Our brains are wired to perceive unknown situations as potential threats, activating our stress response system. This can manifest as anxiety, sleep disturbances, or even physical symptoms like headaches.
  • Disruption of Routine: Humans are creatures of habit, and moving disrupts our daily routines and rhythms. This disruption can cause significant stress. Regular routines are comforting and help reduce anxiety by providing a predictable and controllable structure to our lives. When this is upended, it can lead to a sense of chaos.
  • Physical Exhaustion: The sheer physicality of packing, lifting, and organizing can be overwhelming. This physical strain, coupled with the mental stress, can lead to exhaustion. Physical exhaustion also impacts our emotional state, as our bodies are less equipped to handle stress when tired.
  • Financial Pressure: Moving is not only emotionally taxing but also a financial burden. The costs of hiring movers, buying new furniture, deposits, and other unexpected expenses can add up quickly. Finance is a well-known stressor and it impacts both mental and physical health.
  • Time Pressure and Decision Fatigue: The countdown to moving day adds a sense of urgency that can be stressful. Plus, the myriad of decisions to be made (from sorting belongings to choosing a moving company) can lead to decision fatigue, a state where making even simple choices becomes overwhelming.

Moving Stress Statistics

To understand this better, let's look at some statistics that highlight the impact of moving on stress and mental health.

  • Moving is one of the top stressors in life, preceded only by divorce and the death of a loved one.
  • About 61% of people rank moving at the top of their stress list, higher than divorce or starting a new job.
  • Almost 30% of movers experience more stress on a move day than on their wedding day.
  • 40% of people consider moving more stressful than a week-long holiday with their in-laws.
  • Approximately 44% of individuals who moved admit to feeling nervous prior to moving day.
  • 31% of people who moved admit that they felt scared at the thought of settling into their new home.
  • Over 58% of people say that the physical process of moving their belongings is the most stressful aspect of a move.
  • 62% of people would rather go through a public speaking event than pack up and move.
  • Approximately 33% of moving stress comes from the disruption of routine.
  • More than 70% of people will lose something while moving.
  • About 23% of Americans don't ever want to go through the stress of moving again.
  • About 24% of Americans admit to crying due to stress during their move.
  • Almost Two-Thirds (64%) of adults agree that moving is one of life’s most stressful events.
  • It takes an average of 5 to 7 days to unpack after a move, adding to stress levels.
  • 50% of people say moving is more stressful than planning a wedding.
  • Most people take 60 days to prepare for a move, a factor which can contribute to a prolonged period of stress.
  • Moving is ranked as the third most stressful event in life, following death and divorce.
  • The average stress level of homeowners is significantly higher than renters, and those who move more frequently are more stressed than those who don't.
  • Stress levels decrease over time when individuals don't move.
  • Frequent relocation and housing tenure types, especially owner-occupier, is a substantial contributor to stress.

Moving Anxiety and Depression

So far, we’ve established that moving is more than just a physical transition. If anything, it's a whirlwind of emotions and feelings.

It would’ve been nice if moving was about packing boxes and hauling furniture. But it’s not. Instead, it's about uprooting your life, saying goodbye to familiar surroundings, and diving into the unknown.

This intense stress, if not managed properly, can sometimes spiral into chronic anxiety or even depression!

Why does this happen? Well, when we move, we're not just dealing with logistics. We're also navigating a sea of emotional challenges.

It starts with nostalgia for what we're leaving behind, paired with the fear of the new and unknown. And of course, the sheer overwhelm of managing a million little details.

What’s the big deal, you ask?

Well, our brains are wired to seek stability and routine, and moving throws all of that into disarray. This disruption can trigger our stress response, flooding our bodies with stress hormones like cortisol.

If this stress becomes prolonged or overwhelming, it can lead to chronic anxiety. We might find ourselves constantly worrying about the move, unable to shake the feeling of dread about what lies ahead.

In more severe cases, this unrelenting stress can even contribute to the onset of depression! As unlikely as it may sound, the uncertainty and loss of control can make us feel helpless, leading to feelings of sadness, fatigue, and a loss of interest in activities we once enjoyed.

Symptoms and Manifestation of Moving Anxiety

Navigating the choppy waters of moving anxiety can be tricky, especially when it's hard to recognize the symptoms. Moving anxiety is like a stealthy shadow that sneaks up on us in various forms. The scarier part is that we often unknowingly manifest situations that amplify it.

First off, there's the ever-present sense of being overwhelmed. You might find yourself staring at a mountain of boxes feeling like you can't possibly sort through it all.

This overwhelming feeling can lead to procrastination, another classic symptom. You know you need to pack, but suddenly, cleaning out that one drawer seems like the most important task in the world.

Then there's irritability. The slightest things set you off. A misplaced box or a change in plans perhaps. You're not just moving your stuff; you're moving your entire life. And it’s completely understandable why that’s a lot to handle.

This irritability often stems from the stress of managing so many details and the fear of forgetting something crucial.

Sleep disturbances are also common due to the emotional stress of moving. Your mind races at night with endless to-do lists, or you wake up at 3 a.m. worried about the new neighborhood. Needless to say, this lack of sleep only fuels the fire of anxiety, making everything seem more daunting than it is.

Interestingly, physical symptoms can pop up too. Headaches, stomach aches, or just a general sense of being run down is fairly common. It’s just that your body is reacting to the mental and emotional stress. If anything, it’s a signal that it's time to slow down and take care of yourself.

Last but not least, we often exacerbate these symptoms by our actions (or inactions). For example, by putting off packing until the last minute or obsessing over every little detail, we create a self-fulfilling cycle of stress and anxiety.

Recognizing these patterns is key to managing moving anxiety. It's about finding that balance between being prepared and giving yourself permission to not have everything under perfect control. Remember, it's a move, not a moon landing – some hiccups are completely okay.

Strategies for Stress-Free Moving

Just because moving anxiety is a major problem doesn’t mean you have to give into it. We’re here to help alleviate your worries to the best of our abilities.

We’ve gathered some strategies for you to follow during the journey.

  • Hiring a Good Moving Company: This is your first line of defense against moving stress. A reliable moving company takes the heavy lifting off your shoulders – literally. They handle the logistics, from packing to transportation, which can be a huge relief. Look for a company with good reviews, transparent pricing, and services that match your needs. A good moving company ensures the safety of your belongings and provides peace of mind, knowing that professionals are in charge.
  • Start Early and Plan Thoroughly: Procrastination is the enemy of a stress-free move. You nip it in the buds, begin planning weeks, if not months, in advance. You may create a detailed moving checklist with timelines. This helps in breaking down the overwhelming task into manageable chunks and keeps you on track.
  • Declutter Before Packing: Use this opportunity to declutter. Moving with items you no longer need or want only adds to the stress and cost. Sell, donate, or discard items that don't serve a purpose in your new home. Decluttering not only lightens your load but also simplifies unpacking and organizing in your new space.
  • Pack Smartly: Effective packing is an art and we recommend that you learn it. Start by labeling boxes by room and contents. This not only helps while unpacking but also ensures that movers know where to place boxes. Always use quality packing materials to protect your belongings. If possible, pack an essentials box with items you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. It can include things like toiletries, clothes, and basic kitchen supplies.
  • Take Care of Utilities and Address Changes Early: Avoid last-minute rushes by transferring or setting up utilities in your new home well before moving day. Similarly, update your address with banks, employers, and subscription services.
  • Maintain a Healthy Routine: Amidst the chaos of moving, it's easy to neglect your health. Maintain a routine as much as possible. Get enough sleep, eat healthily, and exercise. This keeps your energy levels up and stress levels down.
  • Ask for Help and Delegate Tasks: Don't hesitate to ask friends or family for help, whether it's packing, babysitting, or just offering emotional support. If possible, delegate tasks to other family members to distribute the workload.
  • Familiarize Yourself with the New Area: Reduce the fear of the unknown by researching your new neighborhood. Know where the essential services are, like hospitals, grocery stores, and schools. If possible, visit the area before moving to get a feel for the community.
  • Embrace the Change with a Positive Mindset: Moving is not just about physical relocation; it's a chance for a fresh start. Embrace the change with optimism. Envision the opportunities and adventures that await in your new home.
  • Plan a Farewell Ritual and Welcome Tradition: Say goodbye to your old home with a special ritual, like a final walk-through or a meal in your favorite local restaurant. Similarly, create a welcoming tradition in your new home, like a family game night or a small gathering, to create positive initial memories.


As we wrap up this discussion on moving, it's important to remember that it's okay to feel a whirlwind of emotions during this time. Moving is not just about changing locations. Rather, it's about transitions in life, saying goodbye to old memories, and embracing new beginnings.

While the stress and anxiety that come with moving are very real, remember that these feelings are temporary. With each box you pack and unpack, you're setting the stage for new adventures and experiences.

That’s where the strategies we discussed today come into play. By simply using the ones like hiring a good moving company, planning thoroughly, and maintaining a healthy routine, you can significantly ease the stress of moving.

Most importantly, don't forget to be kind to yourself during this process. Allow yourself to feel the excitement of starting anew and the nostalgia for what you're leaving behind.

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